Refreshments for your hotel guest made easy

Hotel vending services in New York City and Tri-State Area
Hotel vending services in New York City and Tri-State Area

Convenient ordering and reporting

Supply Wizard makes it easy to order just what you need to satisfy New York City or Tri-State Area hotel guests.

Easy as 1-2-3

  • Login
  • Approve or Change Quantities
  • Checkout
Vending machine services for hotels in New York City and Tri-State Area

Easily track analytics

Our hotel pantry system ensures you know what products are selling and if your pantry is making money.

Leading hotel pantry platform

  • Keeps inventory up-to-date
  • Track sales volume by item
  • Reports market profitability
  • Monitors store shrink
  • Helps reduce waste
Vending machine services for hotels in New York City and Tri-State Area

Create your store

Select the items that should be in your hotel pantry from our selection.

Set reorder levels

Choose the par level for each item to ensure the best store sales.

Interactive online

Using our online manager gives you access to your store anytime.

Auto replenish

When items reach your par levels, the store automatically reorders them.

Simple hotel pantry account setup

Configuring your ideal guest pantry area is easy using our web-based, interactive tool.

Best fit solution

From automatic ordering to simple invoices, the Supply Wizard system is the answer to hotel pantry service management.

Deal with just one supplier for all product orders.
Deal with just one supplier for all product orders.
Get items delivered quickly, within 24-48 hours.
Get items delivered quickly, within 24-48 hours.
Reliable support from a local service team.
Reliable support from a local service team.
Order by the piece with our open box delivery.
Order by the piece with our open box delivery.
Automatic tracking of inventory down to the item.
Automatic tracking of inventory down to the item.
Review sales with real-time reporting and analytics.
Review sales with real-time reporting and analytics.

Hassle-free hotel pantry service

Add an impressive hotel pantry to your location managed by Supply Wizard, a Group C company, at 800.761.0810 and